
Select date and time in one picker.


DateTimePicker is derived from DatePicker and TimePicker. For a more detailed explanation on attributes, you can refer to DatePicker and TimePicker.

Date and time

You can select date and time in one picker at the same time by setting type to datetime. The way to use shortcuts is the same as Date Picker.

With shortcuts
With default time

DateTime Formats

Use format to control displayed text's format in the input box. Use value-format to control binding value's format.

By default, the component accepts and emits a Date object.

Check the list here of all available formats of Day.js.


Pay attention to capitalization

Emits Date object
Use value-format

Date and time formats in dropdown panel

Use date-format and time-format to control displayed text's format in the dropdown panel's input box.


Date and time range

You can select date and time range by setting type to datetimerange.

With shortcuts

Default time value for start date and end date

When picking date range on the date panel with type datetimerange, 00:00:00 will be used as the default time value for start and end date. We can control it with the default-time attribute. default-time accepts an array of up to two Date objects. The first item controls time value of the start date and the second item controls time value of the end date.

Start and end date time 12:00:00
Start date time 12:00:00, end date time 08:00:00

Custom icon 2.8.0

Custom icons available with slots.




model-value / v-modelbinding value, if it is an array, the length should be 2number / string / object
readonlywhether DatePicker is read onlybooleanfalse
disabledwhether DatePicker is disabledbooleanfalse
editablewhether the input is editablebooleantrue
clearablewhether to show clear buttonbooleantrue
sizesize of Inputenumdefault
placeholderplaceholder in non-range modestring
start-placeholderplaceholder for the start date in range modestring
end-placeholderplaceholder for the end date in range modestring
arrow-controlwhether to pick time using arrow buttonsbooleanfalse
typetype of the pickerenumdate
formatformat of the displayed value in the input boxstring see date formatsYYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
popper-classcustom class name for DateTimePicker's dropdownstring
range-separatorrange separatorstring'-'
default-valueoptional, default date of the calendarobject
default-timethe default time value after picking a date. Time 00:00:00 will be used if not specifiedobject
value-formatoptional, format of binding value. If not specified, the binding value will be a Date objectstring see date formats
date-format 2.4.0optional, format of the date displayed value in TimePicker's dropdownstring see date formats
time-format 2.4.0optional, format of the time displayed value in TimePicker's dropdownstring see date formats
idsame as id in native inputstring / object
namesame as name in native inputstring
unlink-panelsunlink two date-panels in range-pickerbooleanfalse
prefix-iconCustom prefix icon componentstring / ComponentDate
clear-iconCustom clear icon componentstring / ComponentCircleClose
shortcutsan object array to set shortcut optionsobject
disabled-datea function determining if a date is disabled with that date as its parameter. Should return a BooleanFunction
cell-class-nameset custom classNameFunction
teleportedwhether datetime-picker dropdown is teleported to the bodybooleantrue
empty-values 2.7.0empty values of component, see config-providerarray
value-on-clear 2.7.0clear return value, see config-providerstring / number / boolean / Function
show-now 2.8.7whether to show the now buttonbooleantrue


changetriggers when user confirms the valuecomponent's binding value
blurtriggers when Input blurs(e: FocusEvent)
focustriggers when Input focuses(e: FocusEvent)
clear 2.7.7triggers when the clear icon is clicked in a clearable DateTimePickerFunction
calendar-changetriggers when the calendar selected date is changed. Only for datetimerange[Date, Date]
visible-changetriggers when the DateTimePicker's dropdown appears/disappearstrue when it appears, and false otherwise


defaultcustom cell content
range-separatorcustom range separator content
prev-month 2.8.0prev month icon
next-month 2.8.0next month icon
prev-year 2.8.0prev year icon
next-year 2.8.0next year icon


focusfocus the DatePicker componentFunction
blur 2.8.7blur the DatePicker componentFunction

